Ancestral Scenario: How to Calculate Ancestral Heritage Using the Matrix of Fate (1)

Ancestral Scenario: How to Calculate Ancestral Heritage Using the Matrix of Fate (1)

The ancestral scenario is the experiences, attitudes, and emotions of ancestors passed down from generation to generation. Even if a person loses their parents, this information remains with them, forming illnesses, poverty, failures, or, conversely, fantastic luck against the odds. The Matrix of Fate allows you to determine the ancestral program and break out of the vicious cycle, and you can calculate it using our calculator.

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Ancestral Scenario: How to Calculate Ancestral Heritage Using the Matrix of Fate

What is an Ancestral Scenario in the Matrix of Fate

This is the program of actions formed by the ancestors of the happy and negative scenarios inscribed in the genome of the Clan. It determines the life vector, which can lead to a successful or problematic existence, regardless of actions. Successful scenarios are rarer than negative ones.

  • A favorable option is considered to be the transmission of a gift, abilities by inheritance, such as healing, talent, intelligence, commercial acumen, and everything that brings positive changes in life. 
  • Unfavorable options manifest in that a person cannot achieve wealth, success, fame, or arrange their personal life, no matter what they do or how hard they try. In esotericism, this scenario is called a family curse, which transmits negativity between generations.

Behind each person stands a line of ancestors. They provide mental and subconscious attitudes about what is good and bad. The person may not even be aware of them, but such things control the individual, suggesting how to live, what to do, whom to choose as friends, when to fall in love, marry, have children, how to make money, raise children, and even get sick.

Positive attitudes bring joy to people, success, which is passed on to children. They also subconsciously choose a happy scenario and rejoice in everything that comes to them.

If a person has problems, bad habits, difficulties in personal life, and debts, it is important to understand the ancestral scenario and work through it. It is almost impossible to independently determine which attitudes control the subconscious. Often the solution lies not in the area that is troubling, so decoding the Matrix of Fate is necessary.

Types of Ancestral Scenarios in the Matrix of Fate Method

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Types of Ancestral Scenarios in the Matrix of Fate

An individual may have several ancestral programs, so determining the area for correction is not easy. A characteristic example: a beautiful, attractive girl successfully marries a rich man out of mutual love. She manages to build a career, but life does not go well – the family starts having quarrels, and she cannot conceive a child.

Externally, this looks like health problems or misunderstandings with a close person. But in fact, during the analysis, it turns out that a distant relative of hers lost several sons in the war. The shock led to the blocking of male energy, so only girls remained viable in the family. In the future, an excess of female energy led to men not “settling” in the family. The young woman’s health was fine. But the fate scenario worked so that a male embryo was rejected, leading to a miscarriage.

After working through the Matrix of Fate, the wife gave birth to three healthy boys. There are many such examples.

How to Determine a Negative Ancestral Scenario in the Matrix of Fate

Most often, a bad ancestral program manifests itself through:

  • illnesses;
  • repeated deaths in the family;
  • injuries;
  • suicides, especially of the same type;
  • difficulty conceiving and miscarriages;
  • poverty, debts;
  • bad habits;
  • problems with marriage, creating a family, divorces, choosing not the best partner.

As an example of atypical cases: a man constantly encountered drinking wives, whom he had to divorce. He did not drink a drop himself, raised his children soberly, but his adult daughter began to drink frequently, and the father could do nothing about it. Everyone can recall something similar. And if something hinders the achievement of a solution to the problem, it is worth working through the negative ancestral scenario.

When communicating with relatives, pay attention to trigger phrases they often repeat. For example, “all real men are gone,” “you can’t trust anyone,” “it’s impossible to build a decent family in our time,” and so on. This also applies to recurring events, such as business bankruptcy, loans, debts, and much more.

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How to Change the Ancestral Scenario Using the Matrix of Fate

Even if you do not want to deal withwayward ancestors, they are part of your Clan, which, one way or another, also applies to you personally. If something ancestral does not suit you, it is a reason to think about your scenario and reconsider it. After working through the attitudes, you will unblock the energy channel and be able to achieve your goal, even in cases where it was previously impossible.

How to Change the Ancestral Scenario Using the Matrix of Fate

Step 1. The transformation process requires awareness, will, reverence, and respect for your ancestors and gratitude to them. 

If you understand that you constantly feel anxious, it means something is wrong in life. To change the situation, you need to turn to the Clan – accept and work through your role, for which you were born into a specific family.

Then you will be able to fulfill your life’s purpose, build harmonious relationships with parents and other relatives, and, by improving the ancestral scenario, pass it on to your children and grandchildren. 

Step 2. Consult a practicing numerologist or do a deep analysis of all ancestral programs through the Matrix of Fate using our calculator. This is an important process not only for you but also for future descendants. Do not count on children taking only the best from you. The Clan is always stronger than its individual representative, and therefore it is difficult to exist without its support.

Take the best qualities your ancestors endowed you with and correct the shortcomings. Then a happy life is guaranteed, and you will be able to pass on positive ancestral scenarios to your future generation. 

Step 3. To prevent the negative programs of the ancestors from recurring in life, it is necessary to use special tools. With the help of metaphorical cards and other rituals, you can create new positive ancestral scenarios. Rituals also help to work through negative events in the Clan line: illnesses, deaths, accidents, divorces.