What Are Karmic Relationships, Their Signs, Why They Arise, How to Work Through Them, and How to Calculate by Birth Dates

What Are Karmic Relationships, Their Signs, Why They Arise, How to Work Through Them, and How to Calculate by Birth Dates

Karmic Relationships

In life, people often encounter the concept of “karma“, sometimes not fully understanding what it is and what karmic relationships are. Karma is a set of thoughts, actions, deeds, and relationships with various people, as well as the responses taken by us in this or previous lives. All this becomes either the cause of karmic tasks for the future or brings the proverbial “plus in karma.” Thus, karmic relationships can be very happy or become sources of problems.

Karma can have the following variants:

  • Personal – individual for each person.
  • Interpersonal – relationships with all people we interact with throughout life, starting with parents and family members. There is an interpersonal karmic connection between parents and children, husband and wife, friends.

Every person we meet in life becomes a karmic partner. This includes not only parents, children, and close relatives but also friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and so on.

Unfinished relationships or contacts, from which the appropriate conclusions have not been drawn, will repeat in the next incarnations of the soul. Sometimes, people with whom relationships did not bring important lessons or whose conclusions were erroneous return to a person’s life in a new incarnation. This is a consequence of receiving negative karma.

Everything in a person’s life is connected with karma. For example, if a child suffered from the coldness or cruelty of parents in childhood, in a new birth, he might become one of such parents. This is given to him to understand the reasons for such behavior of parents from the past incarnation, make conclusions, and learn the karmic lesson to never repeat the mistake.

This type of relationship is called a karmic connection. Like energies, it can be positive or negative. Karma can be sent to work through lessons and mistakes, then it may be perceived as punishment, hard labor. Also, karma can be sent as a reward, bringing joy, happiness, and success.

Types of Karmic Unions

When considering karmic relationships, the two most vivid examples are the mirror and fateful unions. It is important to distinguish them from each other.

Fateful Union

This type of relationship arises between people where one has the karmic tail arcana 3 – 7 – 22 (Prisoner), and the other has 9 – 3 – 21 (Guard). These meanings should be understood broadly. For example, one partner in a past life was a prisoner, was in captivity, or enslaved by bad habits like alcohol, drugs, or was a subordinate in relationships or marriage. The other partner in a past incarnation could have been an authority figure restricting someone’s freedom, a domestic tyrant, a bossy manager, or a manipulator.

In such a union, it is important to work through karmic tasks and lessons so that situations from past lives do not repeat or worsen in the new one. The Prisoner must stop being a slave to circumstances or others, while the Guard should loosen control and not restrict the freedom of the spouse or partner.

In such a union, it is crucial to be honest with oneself. If a fateful union satisfies a person, why not? But if such a relationship causes discomfort and rejection, appropriate actions must be taken. The Guard should “loosen the reins,” and the Prisoner should realize themselves not only as a family member but also in professional and social spheres.

Mirror Union

As the name suggests, in such a union, both partners are a mirror reflection of each other. This can happen when both the man and the woman have dominant arcana that are the same. As a result, each “pulls the blanket over themselves,” no one concedes to the other, trying to prove that they are better, more important, and superior. This results not in a union, but in a constant struggle and confrontation. There will always be tension and discomfort, so such a union must be worked on.

It is extremely important not to transfer professional relationships into the family. For example, a woman is a teacher. She is used to managing students, directing and controlling them, and often suppressing them with her authority and knowledge. If the same methods are applied to family members, a crisis can easily arise. Such a woman needs to understand that at home she is a wife, mother, daughter, not a teacher. She needs to “loosen the reins,” there is no need to teach and control anyone in the family, it is enough to conduct a wise policy, show femininity and maternal intuition.

The same applies to a man. If he is a big boss at work, it doesn’t mean he should treat his family as subordinates. In a mirror union, such attempts will be mirrored, meaning partners will constantly fight for power and assert their authority.

To harmonize a mirror union, both the man and the woman need to see their reflection in the partner. If they understand their mistakes, it will be possible to achieve balance in such a union.

Karmic Relationships or Not

There are the following signs of a karmic connection:

  • A constant desire to be close to the partner. People either want to get married, start a joint venture, business, or project. There may also be a sharp desire to conceive a child in this union with a particular partner. Such feelings intoxicate, “turn off the head,” making one think only about them. However, after completing the karmic task, such as finishing a project or having a child, the union may dissolve. This may mean either the karmic task has been worked through or it is not completely finished. For instance, the project should have a continuation, or having a child should end with a legal marriage.
  • An age difference of more than 10 years between partners. People from different generations can be together to work through karmic debt. Such a union can be both mirror and fateful, and the teacher does not have to be the older one. These karmic relationships are given for receiving an important lesson or as a reward.
  • Lack of children despite the desire to have them. This may indicate the presence of an unfinished karmic task. However, solving it positively can result in two outcomes: the birth of a desired heir or the separation of the couple so that they can have children in subsequent relationships.
  • Rapid development of relationships in the couple. Partners may feel like they have known each other forever or that it is love at first sight.
  • Radical changes in the life of one or both partners. Such a union occurs when the Destiny Matrix of each partner contains calm energies 5, 9, and 2, and in the Compatibility Matrix – 4, 7, 11, 13, and 16. Separately, they are calm people, but in a union, their energies become active, causing various changes, moves, change of faith, and so on.
  • One of the partners is married. Having a relationship with an unavailable partner requires making the right decisions. Such a connection worsens karma, and positive changes can lead to a harmonious union with another, worthy, and free partner.
  • Dependence. This is a destructive union where one partner submits to the negative influences and actions of the other, for example, suffering physical or psychological violence, control, financial dictatorship

    , and so on.
  • A person remains in a destructive union, understanding and realizing the negative consequences but not drawing conclusions even after the end of the marriage or connection. Such partners often break up and get back together several times, forming a vicious circle of relationships.
  • Complex crises in family or partnership relations. These crises begin to form either from the moment of official marriage or from the moment of actual cohabitation. The following crises exist:
  1. The first year.
  2. Three to five years of union.
  3. Seven years of cohabitation.
  4. Ten, thirteen, and twenty-one years of marriage.

If during these dates there are unpleasant moments in the union: dissatisfaction with each other, scandals, aggressive relationships, then such a marriage is considered karmic. It is given to work through the moments that manifest during the crises.

One may wonder if karmic relationships can transform into a happy, prosperous marriage union. They certainly can, but only if both partners successfully work through their individual and joint karmic lessons.

How to Break Karmic Relationships

It’s easy to say that karmic relationships must be broken. It’s not entirely true. Sometimes a break is the only possible and right way. If the relationships develop pathologically and psychologically, sometimes physically destroying one or both partners, it is a necessary way out. But even breaking up must be done correctly; otherwise, people will be doomed to relive similar situations with a new partner and in a new reincarnation of the soul. An example is a scandalous divorce with loud public accusations, scandals, division of property, and constant dissatisfaction with each other even after the complete dissolution of the family or couple. Breaking up on low vibrations is extremely bad, as karmic tasks will still need to be worked through.

Relationships, family – this is very serious work that can yield excellent results or lead to separation. From a karmic perspective, how the separation occurs is extremely important. If after the breakup people remain on good terms, they have learned the karmic lessons and will not be doomed to repeat unsuccessful connections.

In any breakup, both are to blame as they couldn’t preserve love and warm contacts. The main task of the couple is to try to maintain existing relationships, understand the causes of conflicts, forgive minor grievances, not try to change the partner but attempt to change oneself. When one person changes for the better, positive changes are reflected on all those around them, and this can be hundreds or even thousands of people.

If in every subsequent marriage a person feels that the same situations and difficulties are repeated, it means that the problems lie not in the partners and surrounding people but in the person themselves. They live by a standard learned from their parents’ family or from visual examples, having developed it for themselves. Such a person doesn’t take the effort to realize that the reason for the collapse of their marriages is their unwillingness to change for the better and their excessive demands on their life partner.

In some cases, a change in behavior and attitude towards the partner leads to a miraculous change in the family. Everything gets better very quickly and seemingly easily. But sometimes the changes of one partner do not suit the other, and the union still lacks harmony. This means that the couple should part ways, as one soul progresses and develops while the other stubbornly refuses to improve the situation. It hasn’t worked through its karmic tasks and will need to go through the whole cycle again in other unions and marriages, possibly several times if necessary.

Fate and Karmic Relationships

Fate is perceived as something predetermined, “written and sealed.” The Destiny Matrix, spiritual practices, and Buddhism say that everything in a person’s life depends solely on themselves. If a person believes that everything is predestined, they may think that fate brought them together with their partner. However, the Destiny Matrix says that the person’s soul chose the partner itself to go through the karmic experience, which can be attributed to fate.

Working Through in a Couple with Karmic Relationships

To improve relationships in a union, both partners must desire it. There is no point in trying to change another person – it’s both pointless and potentially harmful. If the second partner resists any attempts to improve the situation or influence their behavior, it can lead to heated arguments and even family scandals. Forced changes in life principles and ingrained “settings” can only be worked through by the person themselves. Since two people participate in a marriage or family union, both must want changes. Moreover, such changes require enormous efforts, emotional energy, time, and consistent actions.

If after a breakup or divorce one or both partners hold a grudge against the recent lover, have unresolved issues, it means that karmic tasks have not been worked through. This can lead to the repetition of the situation or a meeting with the same partner but in a new soul incarnation.

If both partners have concluded that the best solution is to part ways, it is important to be grateful to each other. After all, there was love at the beginning of the relationship, a bright and memorable feeling, and throughout their life together, there were many good things. Good relations after separation are especially important if children were born in the union, as parents want the best for them, and knowing that the closest people hate each other will not reflect well on the child’s psyche. The experience gained in marriage should be perceived as learning that will not allow repeating the same mistakes in the next union.

Calculation of Karmic Relationships by Birth Dates

To calculate karmic relationships, the following methods can be used:

  • Astrology (synastry, or overlaying the astral charts of partners).
  • Tarot card reading.
  • Numerology.
  • Regressionology.
  • Destiny Matrix.

In the latter case, a Destiny Matrix calculation for each partner is done with special attention to the relationship line, and a Compatibility Matrix is created:

  • If one of the partners has the eighth arcana on the relationship line, the relationships will be karmic. Partners or one of them must work through karmic tasks from past incarnations.
  • In the union of two opposites, for example, the Guard and the Prisoner, it can be confidently said that people are connected for a reason. Both have karmic tasks that need to be worked through in the union.

To decode the Destiny Matrix on your own, you can use the virtual calculator. The birth dates of both partners will be required for the calculation.

Karmic Relationships and Their Tasks

The Destiny Matrix is based on several esoteric teachings, including Buddhism. In it, karma is understood as an action or deed done with a specific goal or intention. Consequently, working through karma, karmic tasks, is understanding the motive and thoughts in certain situations and actions.

Often, when a union dissolves, a person acts destructively, wishing to take revenge on the former partner, hurt them, and retaliate for their sufferings. Such a desire may also arise if the former partner was stingy with emotions, cold, or just mean, offended morally and physically. It is important to understand why such a destructive desire, negatively affecting karma, arose, rather than a decision to part peacefully, let go of the relationship, and not pollute the future with negative emotions and memories.

The first thing to do is to answer the question, what good have you done for your partner. Inmost cases, such a question is startling, sometimes shocking. It turns out that there were only demands in the partnership but not mutual beneficial exchange. Karmic relationships, in which there is only “one-way traffic,” are doomed to problems, and in a prolonged conflict with mutual unwillingness to resolve it peacefully – to a breakup and separation.

By studying one’s Destiny Matrix, a person can understand the motives of their actions, know their strengths and weaknesses, understand what can provoke them to negative actions. The Matrix has positions marked in red – these need special attention, as they impact all spheres of life and activities, including partnership and marriage.

Destiny Matrix and Harmony in Relationships

The Destiny Matrix is a map, a guide for those traveling through life who want to understand the causes and consequences of their actions. It deciphers all aspects and details of karmic relationships, explaining what tasks our parents, ourselves, and our children had, as well as the mutual influence of people on each other.

In the Matrix, there is a Relationship Line (Svadhisthana), which is intended to interpret relationship tasks. Positive energy shows what needs to be maintained and strengthened to work through karma, while negative shows what needs to be avoided and fought against. If negative energies decrease, this will positively affect karmic relationships, improving them.

Since two people are involved in a union, both partners’ Destiny Matrices should be studied. Understanding only one’s Matrix, a person will still not understand their life partner, but if both are familiar with the situation, it will help harmonize the union. Each will know their positive and negative energies, which will strengthen mutual understanding and the relationship overall.

It is even better if a Compatibility Matrix calculation is done, determining the energies affecting the couple. This is extremely useful because partners will not only be able to improve the union but also gain positives in karma. There is a chance that with such experience and knowledge, the next life will have just as harmonious and bright relationships, possibly even with the same partners.

The Destiny Matrix will reveal the following features to partners:

  1. Building relationships in the union.
  2. Financial possibilities.
  3. Potential problems.
  4. The manifestation of the couple as a whole.

The Compatibility Matrix should be analyzed on all points, and it is essential to avoid negative energies to not spoil karma.

Psychology and Karmic Laws

Buddhism, psychology, the Destiny Matrix, and many other esoteric teachings almost equally approach the interpretation of karmic laws, their role in a person’s life, and their influence on relationships between people. Since the soul is immortal, it goes through the experience of existence in a specific body again and again, following karmic tasks and working out what it could not do in the previous incarnation. The selection of a partner is also influenced by the family and social environment in which the person with the immortal soul will exist.

The influence of the lineage also plays a significant role. It has been scientifically proven that actions of ancestors affect subsequent generations. If there were unhappy marriages generation after generation, it means that the lineage does not work through its karmic tasks. Sigmund Freud noted: “If the mental processes of one generation were not transmitted to another, did not continue in the other, everyone would have to learn life anew, which would exclude any progress and development,” and his disciple Carl Jung introduced the concept of the collective unconscious into psychology. In this specific case, it means that women in each subsequent generation repeat the experience of their mother, grandmother, and so on, that is, of their lineage. Archetypes of behavior are passed down from the most distant ancestors.

However, the presence of archetypal images and behavior patterns does not mean that a person is doomed to endlessly repeat the same life path, the same relationships. If the soul decides to grow, it will change the ancestral way of actions and thoughts, break the circle, and be able to rise to higher positions while maintaining loyalty and connection with their lineage.

The soul needs help to grow by analyzing the experience of previous generations and their own, making the right conclusions, and studying cause-and-effect relationships. This should be done with positive energies on high vibrations. Meditation helps to dive deeper into the essence of the problem, visualize and understand the connections of what is happening with the lineage.