Matrix of Destiny: In what order is it better to work on it?(8)

Matrix of Destiny: In what order is it better to work on it? Beginners in the study of numerology and those who simply want to work on their Matrix of Destiny often ask in what sequence it is best to do this. In fact, bringing positions to a positive in the Matrix of Destiny is not an easy task and requires a comprehensive approach.

In this article, we will discuss where to start working on the Matrix of Destiny and explain why. Keep reading to find out in what order it is best to work on the system of the Matrix Destiny!

To calculate your Matrix of Destiny, you can use our online calculator.

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Matrix Destiny
  1. Matrix Destiny: Comfort Zone

The Comfort Zone (or as it is also called: the growth point) is one of the most important positions in the Matrix of Destiny. This zone is the center of the Matrix Destiny, and working on it will help define your credo and unlock potential.

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Comfort Zone

In addition to analyzing this zone, the Matrix Destiny will help you choose a suitable environment and pave the way to feeling in harmony. By working on this zone, you will unlock aspects such as:

  • Creative potential.
  • Luck and success in all endeavors.
  • Emotional balance within yourself.
  • Strengths of your personality.

If you correctly decipher the arcane, you will not only harmonize with yourself but also unlock hidden talents!

  1. Matrix of Destiny: Karmic Programs

After you have brought the Comfort Zone energy to a positive state, it is worth working on the karmic tasks in your Matrix of Destiny. These programs are the most challenging in the Matrix of Destiny, but also the most “profitable.” It is also worth noting that karmic tasks embody unfinished business from a past life, and without parting with the burden of the past, you cannot build a bright future.

The Matrix of Destiny includes 5 main karmic programs:

  • Spiritual ancestral programs.
  • Material ancestral programs.
  • Karmic tail.
  • Zone of child-parent relationships.
  • Karma of finances and health.
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Material and spiritual ancestral programs: the Matrix of Destiny opens up the resources of the entire family, which will undoubtedly affect the quality of life and well-being. These tasks affect your relationship with your parents and talk about possible grievances against them. The child-parent relationship zone not only speaks about your connections with your parents but also reveals what mistakes you might repeat when raising your children.

The karmic tail reflects a person’s past incarnation and unfinished business. Without working through this part of the Matrix of Destiny, you risk feeling the “burden of the past,” which will undoubtedly slow down the process of self-discovery and improvement.

And working on the zone of Karma of Health and Finances helps maintain health and find not only a profitable field of work but also a satisfying one.

  1. Matrix of Destiny: Line of Money and Love + Heart Zone

Next, we would like to focus your attention on working on the Line of Money and Love and the Heart Zone:

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Many people wonder how to find a balance between relationships and financial well-being. This zone in the Matrix of Destiny method not only reveals the secret to harmonizing these two aspects of life but also helps determine the appropriate field of activity and financial potential.

A thorough diagnosis of the Line of Love will indicate what your partner will be like, what karmic lessons they will bring into your life, and even where you will meet. For those who struggle to express their high feelings and are afraid to fall in love, working on the Heart Zone will be very timely.

  1. Matrix of Destiny: Talents

In the Matrix of Destiny method, two positions are responsible for a person’s talents: ancestral programs and the point of connection with the Higher “I.” We recommend focusing your influence directly on the second zone:

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This zone is under the patronage of three chakras:

  • Sahasrara.
  • Ajna.
  • Vishuddha.

This means that working on these positions will not only reveal potential but also affect thinking, intuition, and the ability to express your thoughts. This zone in the Matrix of Destiny method is often confused with purpose, but this should not be done, as it reflects gifts from the Almighty Himself!

By working on this zone in your Matrix of Destiny, you will look at the world, think, and act differently. Many clients are surprised by the talents that manifest after bringing this point to resource, as they did not even suspect they had such skills.

  1. Matrix of Destiny: Predictive Work

After you have overcome the difficult path of working through the key zones of the Matrix of Destiny, it is worth paying attention to such a detail as prediction. For those who are not aware: prediction in the Matrix of Destiny pushes a person onto the path of truth and gives hints on how best to behave to be resourceful throughout the year.

Each year of life is associated with an arcane that will indicate the direction to move. Analyze the positive and negative manifestations of energy and strive to always be resourceful, as this will help you become better and better.


Working in the Matrix of Destiny method is a long and lengthy process that requires a lot of effort and patience. First of all, it is important to note that working on the Matrix of Destiny system requires a comprehensive approach, which means that you should strive to learn a lesson from every situation in your life.

A conditional algorithm for working on the Matrix of Destiny is as follows:

  • Comfort Zone.
  • Karmic programs:
    • Spiritual ancestral programs.
    • Material ancestral programs.
    • Karmic tail.
    • Zone of child-parent relationships.
    • Karma of finances and health.
  • Line of Money and Love + Heart Zone.
  • Zone of Talents.
  • Working on the arcanes through prediction.